Most and said welfare in developing relaxed relationships and you can relationship relationship which have on the internet couples

Most and said welfare in developing relaxed relationships and you can relationship relationship which have on the internet couples

Correlational analyses and shown multiple tall but basically weak correlations between age and you may date invested into the online dating products

Our first research question explored the possibility that involvement in Internet dating might vary as a function of respondent age. As the first step in evaluating the competing hypotheses we advanced concerning the direction the results might take, we calculated point-biserial correlations between age and responses to the items concerning whether participants had ever posted an online personals ad, responded to such an ad, or met face to face with someone they had initially met online. Consistent with the hypothesis that individuals might be more apt to engage in online dating the older they are (H2), each of these correlations was positive. The older the participant, the more likely he or she was to report having responded to an online personals ad, r = .42, p < .001,>

Whenever requested what they were hoping to find inside the an internet relationship, this new considerable most of users indicated demand for trying fun, company, and you to definitely correspond with (see Dining table 3)

We also investigated the possibility that age might relate to the number of responses participants submitted or received and to their estimates of the proportion of received responses that were favorable and unfavorable. Of the four relevant correlations, only one was significant, providing only weak evidence of an association. Importantly, that evidence again supports H2 rather than H1: Although small, the correlation between age and number of responses to others’ ads was small but positive, r = .18, p = .053. The corresponding correlation between age and number of responses received was also positive but failed to achieve significance, r = .16, ns, and the correlations between age and participants’ estimates of the proportion of responses that were favorable and unfavorable were nonsignificant (p s = .10) and close to 0 (r s < .04). Continue lendo “Most and said welfare in developing relaxed relationships and you can relationship relationship which have on the internet couples”